بولار ايغنايت – ساعة لقياس مؤشر اللياقة البدنية – متقدمة ومقاومة للماء (تتضمن متتبع نبضات القلب الدقيق ونظام تحديد المواقع العالمي والتتبع اثناء النوم من بولار)

اشتري اونلاين بأفضل الاسعاربولار ايغنايت – ساعة لقياس مؤشر اللياقة البدنية – متقدمة ومقاومة للماء (تتضمن متتبع نبضات القلب الدقيق ونظام تحديد المواقع العالمي والتتبع اثناء النوم من بولار)✓ شحن سريع و مجاني✓ ارجاع مجاني✓ الدفع عند

رمز المنتج: B07T4KY3KK التصنيف:

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  • معدل ضربات القلب الأساسي من بولار – يعيد بولار تحديد المعايير الذهبية في دقة معدل نبضات القلب البصرية من خلال الجمع بين أحدث أقطاب كهربائية المقاومة الحيوية والمستشعرات الضوئية. ستأخذ ساعة إتش آر من الجيل القادم تدريبك إلى المستوى التالي!
  • دليل تدريب يومي – بالإضافة إلى الميزات الذكية مثل القدرة على تلقي النصوص أو المكالمات الهاتفية أو البريد الإلكتروني، يأتي بولار إيجنايت مجهزًا بدليل التدريب اليومي من بولار فيت سبارك لتدريبك وتوفير أفضل التدريبات لأهداف لياقتك.
  • إعادة الشحن الليلي – قد يكون للتمرين تأثير إيجابي. كما يمكن أن تجعلك متعب وتهى. يقوم جهاز إعادة الشحن الليلي بولار بقياس تعافي خلال الليل حتى تتمكن من اتخاذ القرار المناسب في الصباح.
  • تتبع نوم متقدم – احصل على البصر القيم الذي تحتاجينه للحصول على راحة جيدة في الليل مع تحليل مراحل النوم بولارز سليب بلاس.
  • نظام تحديد المواقع العالمي مدمج – باعتباره ساعة جي بي إس عالية الجودة، تم تزويد سيارة بولار إيجنايت بالسرعة والمسافة والمسافة والمسافة. لا حاجة إلى هاتف!

العلامة التجارية بولار
اسم الطراز بولار ايغنايت
النمط Modern
اللون أسودفضي
حجم الشاشة 4.3 سنتيمترات
ميزة خاصة GPS
الشكل Round
الجمهور المستهدف Unisex Adults
الفئة العمرية Adult
متوافق مع Smartphone

أفضل مراجعة من المملكة السعودية العربية

Shahd Alshammari4.0: ساعة جميلة بس لازم تعرف كل إعداداتها عشان تستفيد منها عدل
حلوة وأنيقةعيبها أن حساسيتها عالية للحركة يعني أي حركة يد تعتبرها خطوة

Dietmar W.1.0:
Vorab möchte ich sagen dass ich ungerne Rezensionen schreibe. Bei diesem Prachtstück mache ich aber mal eine Ausnahme. Ich benutze seit gut 25 Jahren Polarprodukte. Als ehemaliger Leistungssportler habe ich seither immer auf die Uhren von Polar gesetzt. Leider habe ich mich von den positiven Rezensionen hinreissen lassen und mir die aktuelle Ignite zugelegt nachdem sich meine M400 nach gut 4 Jahren nicht mehr laden ließ. Es scheint mittlerweile Mode zu sein neueste Pulsuhren mit Touchdisplays auszustatten. Und da fängt das Fiasko auch schon an. Polar ist ein finnischer Hersteller einem skandinavischen Land in dem der Skilanglauf seine Wurzeln hat. Welche Utensilien benötigt man zum Langlaufen? Richtig: Handschuhe. Wie in Gottes Namen soll ich diese Uhr bedienen? Gut das wusste ich vorher. Aber das dieses Display so grottenschlecht ist hätte ich nicht gedacht. Selbst mit verschwitzten Fingern (ohne Handschuhe) verschmiert man nur das Display bis sich was tut und man gar nichts mehr erkennt. Da komme ich auch schon zum nächsten Fehler. Das Display hat einen Ruhemodus. Es ist mir unverständlich warum man diesen für das Training nicht grundsätzlich deaktivieren kann. Es geht nur wenn das Training gestartet ist (nach unten wischen = Schmierfilm)) und das bei jedem Training. Hat man das geschafft und zufälligerweise scheint noch die Sonne dann ist der Kontrast des Displays ultraschlecht.Der nächste Kritikpunkt ist die GPS- und Pulsmessung über diese komischen Sensoren an der Uhr. Ungenauer geht’s kaum. Hier zum Beispiel eine Standardstrecke welche bereits mit M400 M430 und V800 eingemessen wurde (innerhalb dieser Uhren 20m Unterschied) misst die Ignite 200m weniger. Was ist da passiert bei Polar? Dann die Pulsmessung am Handgelenk: Bei gleichem Tempo ständige Sprünge zwischen 95 und 150 Puls. Da bleibe ich lieber beim H7 Gurt bin ich auch dran gewöhnt. Jetzt aber der absolute Clou: Polar hat sich bei dieser Uhr selbst übertroffen. Es ist nicht möglich manuell Zwischenzeiten zu nehmen. Welche Zielgruppe soll denn damit erreicht werden? Garantiert nicht die Zielgruppe der Sportler welche eine Uhr für die Trainingssteuerung braucht. Stattdessen hat dieses tolle Gerät den neumodischen Firlefanz von Atemtest und Erholung während des Schlafes. Atmen kann ich und sollte es damit nicht mehr so richtig funktionieren dann würde ich vorschlagen einen Arzt zu konsultieren. Selbiges mit dem Schlafgedöhns. Wenn ich nach einem Training am nächsten Morgen dicke Beine habe muss mir die Uhr garantiert nicht mitteilen dass ich mich nicht anständig erholt habe. Das weiß ich selber.Polar scheint mit diesem Produkt auf den Zug der Möchtegern-Fitness-Workout-was weiß-ich-Community aufgesprungen zu sein. Mit dieser Zielgruppe lässt sich halt Geld verdienen. Diese Zielgruppe trägt die Uhr Tag und Nacht und trackt sogar den Toilettengang um danach auf Insta FB usw. damit prahlen zu können.Für Leute die eine Trainingskontrolle benötigen = Finger weg. Polar war mal gut. Meine Uhr von vor 15 Jahren konnte das besser und war deutlich günstiger. Heutzutage kann das sogar eine 30 € Uhr aus dem Supermarkt besser als die Ignite.Mein persönliches Fazit: Meine M400 hat noch nicht ausgedient. Die geht zur Reparatur und eine M430 ist schon bestellt. Da sind nämlich Knöpfe dran. Dieser Schnickschnack geht zurück.

Llevo dos meses con el Ignite. Al recibirlo la primera semana llegué a pensar en devolverlo por diferentes motivos. Aquí mi review.- Pulsómetro. Soy usuario de Polar H10 como pulsómetro necesito máxima precisión para los ejercicios de HIIT. El único dispositivo de muñeca que alcanza la precision de una banda como la H10 es el apple watch 4/5 dispositivos cuya batería no dura más de un día y que superan los 400 euros fácilmente.El pulsómetro del ignite es fantástico para cualquier ejercicio al aire libre pero es incapaz como todos los de muñeca de coger bien las pulsaciones en ejercicios de HIIT. De todos modos es sumamente fácil conectarle la banda H10 y registrar las pulsaciones con la banda H10.- Sueño. He usado relojes withings apps para iPhone todas opciones incompletas. El ignite con las funciones Nightly Recharge y Sleep Plus Stages es otro nivel. Llegué al punto de que lo primero que quiero ver por la mañana es la puntuación de mi sueño que me da el Ignite.- GPS. Precisión casi milimétrica. Comprobado comparando con google maps. Increíble que un dispositivo de este tamaño sea capaz de esta precisión.- Estética. Es un reloj muy ligero nada que ver con los armatostes de relojes que se suelen ver para running o montaña.No pesa nada en comparación incluso con el Apple Watch. Quizá se eche en falta que solo disponga actualmente de dos coronas la digital y la analógica.- Serene. Es una función del reloj que ayuda a relajarse mediante ejercicios de respiración. Nada especial como muchas apps de movil o de apple watch. Bien pero sin más.- Fitness test. Test para medir la VO2max. Desesperante las primeras veces que intenté medirlo. Interesante cuando por fin pude terminar el test.- Entrenamientos. 20 tipos de ejercicios diferentes en el reloj a elegir entre más de 100 desde la app del móvil. Muy fácil registrar los ejercicios.- App PolarFlow. Sin lugar a dudas una de las mejores cosas del reloj es la app con la que se sincroniza. Para los obsesos de los datos esta app es maravillosa. Queda registrado TODO de la actividad física diaria.Inconveniente del reloj. Se enciende solo al girar la muñeca. NO funciona bien a veces hay que repetir el movimiento. Por la noche si no tienes activo la función no molestar es una verdadera molestia para dormir. Lo mejor es activar desde el movil la función no molestar de 22h a 7h y así no es necesario activarlo manualmente. Creo de hecho que debería estar configurado así por defecto.Poco más que añadir. MUY contento con el reloj. Funciones y precisión propias de relojes de más de 400 euros a un precio competitivo y una estética muy conseguida.Muy recomendable.

BackgroundI have long been a loyal user of running watches produced by Garmin and my most recent (and much loved) watch is a Garmin Vivo Active 3. I have also recently tested the Polar Vantage M which also being a Multisport watch was a good side by side competitor for the Vivo Active (although I felt the Vivo Active was just ahead when it came to functionality and how user friendly it was along with price at the time).SummaryIn summary the Polar Ignite is an absolutely superb watch and I have a feeling that it is going to become my new day-to-day watch. I much prefer it to the more expensive Polar Vantage M and if the Polar Flow App was slightly more extensive I would most definitely prefer it to the Garmin Vivo Active. If you take the App out of the equation (for lifestyle functions only as mentioned below the pure training data is maybe better than what Garmin presents) then this watch is a hands down winner and the only people I would not suggest to buy it would be those wanted to take part in Triathlons.Set Up:- You can set up the watch with or without the Polar Flow App. It is recommended to use the app and therefore I did (I also love analyising my fitness data so a watch which isn’t syncing with an app is no fun for me).- The app took less than 5 minutes to download over a reasonably good wifi connection.- Once I registered my profile on the Polar Flow App (took approximately 2 minutes) the phone and watch quickly found each other and began to pair. The initial sync between the devices then took approximately 10 minutes.- I then set up my preferences and was ready to go – less than 30 mins in total to set up.Charging- The watch was ready to charge on arrival. It comes with a USB charger (note: no mains plug you will either need to charge via a laptop or a mains to USB charger). The watch attaches to the charger via an each magnetic connection. The connection is the same as the Polar Vantage M – useful if you have more than one watch from the Polar brand.- The watch went from out of box to being 100% charged in less than 1 hour (via mains).- Make sure the magnetic charger is correctly aligned it will magnetically connect but not charge is the alignment is not correct (this caught me out). The charging screen shows when the device is charging – check this before leaving it.Aesthetics general wearability and day to day use- The Ignite looks amazing on my wrist it is a really good size for day to day wear and beats the Garmin Vivo Active 3 and the Polar Vantage M hands down in this respect. It really is a joy to wear.- It is very light and as a result it was easy to forget I was wearing it. I also like the fact that it is slimmer than the other two watches so doesn’t sit as proud.- The face of the Ignite is slightly smaller than the Vivo Active and the Vantage M (see pictures). The screen also goes right up to the edge of the watch and looks much less clunky than both the Garmin and Vantage M. A real plus in the style stakes.- The strap is pliable and neat (white version – silicone I think) much nicer than the Vantage M strap I have and more comparable to the feel of the Vivo Active strap which I like.Ease of Operation:- This watch is touch screen (hurrah – the fact that the Vantage M is not touch screen was a real detractor for me having long used the Vivo Active’s touch screen capability).- During use I didn’t once accidently activate the screen so that isn’t a concern.- The watch is intuitive to use and the screens were very easy to navigate.- There is only one button (similar to the Vivo Active in this respect) but most navigation is via the touch screen function.GPS log on- There is nothing more frustrating then your watch taking a long time to log onto the GPS signal when you just want to start running – I had no issues with the GPS link up. I used the watch in a small town and in the countryside when trail running and the GPS log on was very quick in both locations. If anything the Polar watch often found GPS signal before the Garmin.Activities/Running/Distance Accuracy/GPS- As a runner this is what is most important to me.- I road tested this over 5 runs of varying distances in my first week using my trusty Garmin as a comparator (already calibrated and checked to official race measured distances) to compare distance time pace etc.- The Polar measured very accurately for me both on road and when trail running. Over 10km the difference in distances measured by each watch was less than 50 meters which I consider to be acceptable.- On set up I selected automatic pause so when I stop running for example at traffic lights the device automatically pauses and then restarts tracking once I am running again. This feature worked well.Data screens- Along side the accuracy of data the availability of data whilst running is important to me.- Each data screen can hold 4 pieces of data (e.g. pace distance time etc.).- You can customise what data you have via the app.- The data was easy to see whilst running and gave me the information I needed to monitor and improve my performance.Display- The display graphics on the Ignite are much better than on the Vantage M in my opinion (brighter display more in depth colours). However the watch does have a ‘black screen’ when not in use to save battery I imagine so you have to flick your wrist in order to see the data screen light up (to read the time for example).- My main frustration is the lack of ability to customise the standard watch display. The time always shows (you can chose analog or digital display) but you then have to scroll through using the navigation buttons to look at heart rate for example.- I like the fact that there are many watch face options on the Garmin (style and colour etc.) but most importantly you can customise exactly what you include on the watch face – I really like to monitor my daily steps so this is prominently displayed on my Garmin but I can’t do this on the Polar.Interaction with other devices and apps- In common with all runners I know I like to be able to analyse my running data and look at details such as my heart rate pace and so on over the course of a run.- The Polar uses the Polar Flow app to do this. It was sometimes a little slow to synchronise but this was just a minor frustration and one that can be overcome by forcing a manual sync from the watch.As a training aide- I really like the data you get at the end of the run that is available to be seen on the watch and not just on the App. It is very extensive and useful for an immediate post race postmortem.- Being able to pre-program workouts before setting off makes for much easier interval training.- I used the Polar Flow App to write a training plan with specific work-outs (e.g. interval training) but I couldn’t work out a way to copy and paste the same work out to other training days and therefore it was quite a repetitive process and put me off planning my training within the app.- However the watch completely redeems itself in the way it helps you to plan workouts by making daily suggestions (note: you can also download full training plans e.g. for a half marathon from the Polar Flow webpage).- This all starts with the nightly recharge function to me this is a bit too much of a gimmick but I found myself somewhat addicted to it. It basically tries to tell you if your sleep has been sufficient for you to recover from the previous days activity levels. As someone who commonly trains multiple times a day this was interesting but I am not sure how accurate it really can be.- This then ties into the watches personal training function (my wording for this function not Polar’s they call it ‘FitSpark’) basically the watch suggests training for the following day based on your recovery data your sleep your previous activities etc. I found this interesting as it often suggested I should take things a little easier than I had planned. The watch gives you a range of options (e.g. easy cardio for a longer period of time or more intense for a shorter period of time). It even includes details such as how to do your interval training what strength training exercises to do (with full explanations as to how to do them). I found myself more and more drawn to this as my time with the watch progressed.- Similar to the above there is a ‘serene’ function this guides you through relaxing breathing functions. I did this for 3 minutes before bed for a few days – not sure I will keep using it.- The swimming data was very good I used it both in a pool and on my first introduction to open water swimming.Battery life- The battery life on the Polar is good enough although it was outperformed by both the Garmin and the Vantage M – I imagine this is because of its enhanced screen quality.- After 72 hours of extensive use I had run out of charge (note: I often train 3+ hours a day up to 2 of which could be in GPS mode so my use is maybe slightly more extensive than other users).Polar Flow App- The app lets down what is a decent activity tracker.- The Polar Flow App isn’t as extensive as other supporting apps.- I am used to being able to track my weight BMI menstrual cycle floors climbed heart rate etc etc. The Garmin Connect App shows useful charts to see changes in these metrics over time. The Polar Flow App tracks steps distance active time calories burnt and sleep but nothing else. I really miss these features.- I think Polar should invest more in developing a real life tracker of an app to support their products.- For those only looking at running data then the Polar information is brilliant better than the Garmin (e.g. I like the fact that the Polar app shows average heart rate per KM on its breakdown)Other features- This watch has much improved sleep monitoring features when compared to the very basic data from the Vantage M. I would say the sleep data is on par with that produced by the Garmin Vivo Active with the exception of the Ignite’s ‘Nightly Recharge’ function (see more above).- There is no triathlon function you have to stop the watch and restart the next exercise

I loved the look and feel of this tracker. It did a fantastic job of heart rate monitoring and workout tracking. Personally I really like the polar flow app as well and prefer it over fitbit or garmin apps. The built in workouts are very cool as well and actually challenging. I loved the variety and suggestions and I think the polar system does a good job of challenging you.If I was only looking for sleep and workout tracking I would have kept this watch and overlooked the flaws. That said there are 2 major issues which caused me to return this.Firstly the step count was wildly inaccurate. I would get hundreds of steps laying down in bed wat hing TV. I use myfitnesspal and track calories and like to have my fitness tracker connected. This resulted in very very skewed figures I would be allocated far more calories than I should because I was racking up thousands more steps a day than I was actually taking.Secondly the way polar estimates calories burnt also seems extremely inaccurate. When compared to fitbit or garmin this device was always giving me hundreds more per day no doubt partly due to the hugely inflated step count but also seperately in terms of calories burned during a workout etc. It was always a lot higher than my other devices despite heart rate data being relatively similar across all 3 (I tested multiple devices at the same time).If I didn’t care about steps or didn’t use the calorie estimates I would have kept his device. It might be perfect for you if those things don’t matter to you because what it does well (accurately and reliably measure heart rate during workouts track sleep polar flow app insights and layout-the way they present the data is so much nicer than others if you use the website instead of just the app and the built in workout function) is as good as or in my opinion better than more expensive competitors. That said those things were too important to me to sacrifice so I returned this device.It’s worth mentioning it is quite a comfortable and light watch and the screen is also nice and bright. It certainly looks more like a watch than many others on offer. This isn’t a smart watch so it doesn’t have apps or lots of faces etc. But you can use it for notifications from your phone.

I’ve had numerous Polar products in the past and only switched to Garmin after having issues with Polars GPS.I found Garmin to be clunky rubbish software and very inaccurate GPS on bike rides the only positive was the wrist based HR.Now that Polar are offering a wrist based HR at a reasonable price I bought the Ignite. Its much smarter and more compact than the Garmin equivalent and looks more like a smartwatch.The battery life is very impressive for a device that constantly measures HR – and up to 17 hours training time.Accurate GPS.The only downsde was that the orange variant was much more expensive.So far so good




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